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Lessons from Stewie, the World’s Longest Cat (RIP). Also, “The Walking Dead” series return will be better than this year’s Super Bowl.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
RIP, Stewie.

Sad news today in the feline world. Stewie, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the World’s “Longest” Cat, passed away today at the much too young cat age of 8.

I know from experience that it sucks to lose a pet. However, the article stated that “Stewie was always very social and loved meeting new people. He has touched many lives…”

Be social. Love meeting new people. Touch lives.

Even if it’s via social media, whether for you personally or for your business. That’s still being social when you add a comment, retweet, Like, Share, Re-Pin, Favorite, whatever…the more you interact and show a reaction, the more good content will be produced.

However, the opposite is true, as well.

The more crap you post…the more likely you will be either hidden or unfriended or unfollowed or unsubscribed or shunned or basically ignored. And in this social media age…that is a bad thing.

Why? Because people who need to hear your opinions (whether factual or not…they’re YOUR customers) will not hear you. However, it does mean that a large percentage of your most loyal followers and fans will. But you still need to grow your online community base because, sometimes customers switch or stop buying your product or…disappear.

Particularly for businesses but also for anyone trying to build their social media credibility, you will turn a lot of potential customers/listeners into didn’t have a chance customers/listeners because they couldn’t stand your rapid fire nonsensical and useless factoids and non-nonsensical information that you posted every few minutes when you were bored or waiting for the train.

Moral? Be like Stewie. Social. Friendly. Enjoy meeting new people. “Like” their good posts and retweet the tweets that truly deserve it. But don’t puke on our carpet with 20 nonsensical tweets in a row.

Besides…I’m already live tweeting non-sensical and inane #TheWalkingDead tweets while also following others doing the same.

James K. Kim About James K. Kim
I am a former archery technician turned freelance digital marketer. I help people build profitable businesses online. You can learn more about how to build a profitable online business at In my free time I enjoy the ancient sport of archery, sport crossbow target shooting, deep sea fishing, day hiking, recreational kayaking, high intensity weight training, ice hockey, and outdoor cooking. Let's connect on social media:

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